The Trinity Rap

Andy Richardson
1 min readApr 26, 2023


Verse 1:
Hey, it’s me spitting truth about the Trinity
A mystery sublime revealed just in time
Without the Bible, we wouldn’t know,
God’s triune nature isn’t just for show.

One God, three persons, all in unity
Father, Son, and Spirit, the Trinity
Essence, Existence, and Personhood
God’s distinctives need to be understood.

Verse 2:
The Father’s not the Son, the Son’s not the Spirit
But all are God, we must learn to hear it.
Your mind doesn’t get it, but your heart knows its true
Co-equal, co-eternal, doing what only God can do

One God, three persons, all in unity
Father, Son, and Spirit, the Trinity
Essence, Existence, and Personhood
God’s distinctives need to be understood.

Verse 3:
Yeah, it’s tough to wrap your mind around
So many just leave it in the lost and found
What He is, That He is, and How He is,
Eternal, unchanging, Three in One is God’s biz.

One God, three persons, all in unity
Father, Son, and Spirit, the Trinity
Essence, Existence, and Personhood
God’s distinctives need to be understood.

So there it is, a Triune rap
More than a mystery, it’s an actual fact.
Father invisible, Jesus the Son,
Holy Spirit, God’s our Three in One.



Andy Richardson

pastor, business owner, contractor, sports fan, and freelance writer