Four Lies To Avoid This Year

Andy Richardson
2 min readJan 5, 2024

“The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

Here are four lies to resist in this new year:

FALSEHOOD 1 You are an accident of evolution- Contrary to popular belief, the evidence does not prove this to be true. Data and evidence don’t prove anything by themselves anyway. They just are there and must be interpreted.The interpretation of evidence is dependent upon the philosophical framework from which the interpreter is working. In other words, your view of the world will determine how you understand the data. The truth is that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), and God knows how unique and special you really are.

FALSEHOOD 2 Truth is relative — This is another ancient falsehood originating as far back as Protagoras some 400 years before Christ. He said that man is the measure of all things, but it is still one of the favorite lies of all time. Either truth is true for everyone or it is simply an opinion. In actuality, there is a transcendent God who is absolute truth Himself and who determines what truth is in all things. Without Him, the results of relativism are personal angst, foreboding, and societal chaos such as we see today in the world around us.

FALSEHOOD 3 You can’t change — This deterministic view of life ignores the fact that God is in the transformation business. Yes, God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay the way you are. He wants to change you, improve you, reengineer you. You are not a captive to your genetics, your temperament, or to your environment. Fatalism is faulty. Fate is what you were given, but destiny is what you do with what you were given.

FALSEHOOD 4 The goal of life is self-fulfillment — Evolution plus relativism plus fatalism always results in selfish pursuits and contemptuous disregard for God and others. Self-fulfillment is the opposite of love for God and neighbor. It is the lowest calling in life, animalistic and hedonistic. The highest calling in life is self-sacrifice based in love, and this was best demonstrated on the cross where Jesus died for a world of sinners like you and me.

Come to Jesus and discover the truth today.

Because, “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).



Andy Richardson

pastor, business owner, contractor, sports fan, and freelance writer